I. Introduction and Applicability
When you or your doctor/hospital/healthcare institution provides any information to us via our Website / Mobile Application(s) and/or through any programme of M/s Healthuziastic Solutions Pvt. Ltd. such as Healthfort – CHAMPS, CHARTS, CHeRUBs etc., or during preventive health assessment / health consultation /counseling session(s) or it is obtained in any other manner, we protect it according to this privacy and security policy. This Privacy and Security Policy (“Privacy Policy”), along with the Disclaimer and Terms of Use, describe the terms and conditions under which we offer you access to our services. By using this Website / Application(s) for our services, you signify your agreement to this Privacy Policy. Your continued use of the Website / Application(s) will mean you accept the changes made by the company. If you do not agree to this Privacy Policy, please do not use these services. The company may share information provided herein in accordance with the terms of this Privacy Policy. The company may modify and/or change this Privacy Policy at any time in its discretion and without any prior notification.
II. Protecting the information
We shall take all requisite precautionary measures to protect all information received from our user(s)/member(s) against unauthorized access, use, loss, misuse, or alteration of information. However in case of such infringement(s), the company shall not responsible for the same.
III. Third party sharing
a. We may provide/share the health information obtained by the user/patient or through the doctor/hospital/healthcare institution under any programme of M/s Healthuziastic Solutions Pvt. Ltd. such as Healthfort – CHAMPS, CHARTS, CHeRUBs etc., or during Preventive Health Assessment / Health Consultation and Counseling Session(s) or obtained in any other manner for updating the Website / Application(s), for further analysis and for such other purposes as it may deem fit, without utilizing the individually identifiable health information of the user(s)/member(s)/subscriber(s) including child/children, their parent(s)/legal guardian(s) personally. We will not use any personally identifiable health information with any third party without the user(s)/member(s)/subscriber(s)/ parent(s)/legal guardian(s) express consent. Limited parts of personally identifiable information may be shared with your doctor/healthcare institution where you may have sought consultation/treatment for the purpose of enabling these healthcare providers to offer you better services. Users/members/subscribers/ parent(s)/legal guardian(s) will have the express ability to allow/disallow detailed access to their Personal Health Records to any of their doctor(s)/health institutions.
b. When user(s)/member(s)/subscriber(s)/ parent(s)/legal guardian(s) use this Website / Healthfort Mobile Application to consult/ask queries our experts / their own doctors/healthcare institutions – the concerned doctor/experts/institution may require access to patient’s/user’s personal data for the purpose of providing the requested consultation / query. Your submission of query/consultation request will signify that you understand your data may be accessed and provide your consent for it. Healthuziastic Solutions Pvt Limited does not warrant for any liabilities in case your data is shared/used by your doctor/healthcare institution. Users/members/subscribers/ parent(s)/legal guardian(s) will have the express ability to allow/disallow detailed access to their Personal Health Records to any of their doctor(s)/health institutions through our Mobile Application.
c. The user(s)/member(s)/subscriber(s)/ parent(s)/legal guardian(s) agree and understand that such consent will not be required in case such personally identifiable information is required by law in order to comply with judicial proceeding, court order, or other legal processes.
IV. Liability
Any posting, transmitting, or uploading (“Posting”) of any type of text, photograph, video, audio, or any other type of content (“Material”) on the Healthfort Health Forum(s) is public to the user(s)/member(s) on the Website. The company shall not be responsible for such posted material(s). As such it is advised that you should exercise caution while posting any material(s).
It is understood and agreed by you that any posting, transmitting, or uploading of any type of text, photograph, video, audio, or any other type of content shared by you or your doctor/healthcare institution, does not violate the Proprietary Rights, Copyright, privacy or any other rights of the Company or any other person.
In case such violation is proved, you shall be solely responsible and shall indemnify the company and effected person(s) against such violation(s).
V. Links to other websites
This Website/Mobile Application may contain links to other sites, which may be provided for your convenience, but no representation is made as to their content. The company shall not be responsible for the security, privacy practices, or the content of such websites. . The users are advised to use their discretion while clicking on any external links. When visiting these external links you must refer to that external websites terms and conditions of use, privacy policy and disclaimer policy.
VI. Correction, Updating, and Removal of the Information
You may correct, opt out of receiving information, update or/and remove the information from the website / Application(s) anytime. However in case you are unable to change or delete the information or unable to update then in that case you may contact the company for its verification / updation.
VII. Contact us at
If you have any questions about this Website or our privacy policy, you can contact us at:
This privacy and security policy was last updated on 20 June 2016
©2025 All rights reserved. Healthuziastic Solutions Pvt Ltd.